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By SecureWorld News Team
Thu | Dec 14, 2017 | 7:43 AM PST

From "Sleepy Puppy" to "Cloudy Kraken" it's been a busy three years of creating and naming open source security software at Netflix.

That's right, the company has been developing its own security products.

"Our security-related OSS tends to be reflective of the unique Netflix culture. Many of the tools we’ve released are aimed at facilitating security in high-velocity and distributed software development organizations. Automation is a big part of our approach, and we seek to keep our members, employees, data, and systems safe and secure while enabling innovation," says Netflix, in an update from the Netflix Cloud Security Team.

The company developed a suite of products that work together as a threat intelligence platform by the names of "Scumblr, Sketchy and Workflowable."

It wrote "FIDO," which stands for Fully Integrated Defense Operation, to automate incident response

And then there's the wonderfully named "Sleepy Puppy" which manages significant web app vulnerabilities.

The list of Netflix Open Source Security Software includes these tools:

  • Lemur - automates management of SSL certificates
  • Bless - runs as an AWS Lambda function and is used to sign SSH public keys
  • HubCommander - provides self-service for various admin-level GitHub actions while maintaining access control and an audit log
  • Stethoscope - collects info about end user-related security topics (e.g. device security), and provides actionable advice for improving security
  • BetterTLS - s a test suite for HTTPS clients implementing verification of the Name Constraints certificate extension
  • Repokid & Aardvark - simplify and streamline the process of implementing least privilege for AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles
  • Repulsive Grizzly & Cloudy Kraken - These tools help us simulate application DDoS attacks in the Netflix environment

You can find links to all of the Netflix open-source security software and read more about each of them.

Now, the crucial question: If you could name your own OSS, what would you call it?

Sorry, the word "Kraken" has already been used!
