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By SecureWorld News Team
Thu | May 24, 2018 | 8:10 PM PDT

It was still May 24th in Portland, Oregon, when our SecureWorld team was surprised to see something on Twitter.

With GDPR just hours old in the UK, the Los Angeles Times began blocking many customers linked to European IP addresses, with a message that basically says it still needs to figure out how to exist in a GDPR world.

This tweet from @TheRegister:


And the Los Angeles Times is one of many companies pulling the plug on Europe, at least for now.

An Arizona newspaper, the Daily Star, also took a similar approach. Do they have that many readers in the EU? European snowbirds, perhaps.


More companies blocking Europe after GDPR

Tech writer @ow received the following notification from a popular Pinterest owned company called Instapaper. It allows you to read anything later by clipping it.


Now: Growing GDPR Hall of Shame

The tech writer we mentioned above must also be an entrepreneur, because as soon as all these GDPR notices started coming to light, he bought the domain name

The list of companies posted there is growing.

Last minute GDPR tips filling our inbox

I'm not sure what your inbox was like on May 24, but mine was full of all kinds of tech companies and consultancies sending tips on how you could attempt to tackle GDPR in the final hours before it kicked in.

It seemed funny at the time, because with two years' notice and constant conversations on the topic at our SecureWorld cybersecurity conferences, surely organizations were ready, or very close.

In hindsight, however, those emails could turn out to be a good marketing move, because some companies still need help.
