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By SecureWorld News Team
Fri | Jan 12, 2018 | 2:33 PM PST

Intel's CEO Brian Krzanich says the company is making a "security first pledge" where the following happens, starting now:

"Our customers’ security is an ongoing priority, not a one-time event. To accelerate the security of the entire industry, we commit to publicly identify significant security vulnerabilities following rules of responsible disclosure and, further, we commit to working with the industry to share hardware innovations that will accelerate industry-level progress in dealing with side-channel attacks."

Within hours of that statement, the company was back online, with news of a customer reported problem of auto-reboots after installing firmware updates to mitigate Spectre and Meltdown side channel attack potential.

"We have received reports from a few customers of higher system reboots after applying firmware updates. Specifically, these systems are running Intel Broadwell and Haswell CPUs for both client and data center. We are working quickly with these customers to understand, diagnose and address this reboot issue," said Navin Shenoy, who is executive vice president and general manager of the Data Center Group.

Intel says it will change firmware updates, if needed, and distribute them through the regular channels.
