"I mean, you can't preserve privacy if you can't control the data," Herold says. "And to control the data, you have to have security applied to it in many different ways and layers, making sure only those who need access can get access, protecting the data from being captured as it's being transmitted through different types of pathways and other methods."
Also, Trend Micro shares ransomware mitigation techniques for the new Nefilim ransomware. See the link below.
Listen on your favorite podcast platform, or here:
• Trend Micro research: "Nefilim Ransomware Threatens to Expose Stolen Data": https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/nefilim-ransomware-threatens-to-expose-stolen-data
• Rebecca Herold's podcast: https://www.privacyguidance.com/radio.html
• Rebecca Herold's LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccaherold/
• SecureWorld Remote Sessions daily briefings: https://www.secureworldexpo.com/resources?cat=remote-sessions
• Deep dive web conferences: https://www.secureworldexpo.com/resources?cat=web-conferences
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