What does cybersecurity collaboration look like in the digital realm? What about the future of physical events and conferences for the cybersecurity industry?

Brad_GraverIn this episode, we are speaking with conference creator Brad Graver, Vice President of SecureWorld. Brad and his team have overseen more than 120 cybersecurity conferences across North America over the past 19 years, and have experienced the shift from in-person to online events in the wake of COVID-19.

Also, we look at new cloud security resources from Trend Micro, our premiere podcast partner.

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Links from the show:

•  Trend Micro's Cloud Security and Misconfiguration Paper: https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/virtualization-and-cloud/exploring-common-threats-to-cloud-security

•  New SecureWorld VIRTUAL conferences: https://www.secureworldexpo.com/events

•  SecureWorld Remote Sessions webcast briefings: https://www.secureworldexpo.com/resources?cat=remote-sessions

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